Just a quick update on my blog, which I'm afraid I won't be able to keep updated as much as before. Infact on November the 18th I moved back to London, and now I'm back to work for Cinesite . The movie I'm working on at the moment is
"Clash of the Titans" ( trailer ).
Moving to London after spending the last months in Sarajevo is quite something...
By now the only conclusion I could say is that I'm really, really happy to have had the chance to know more about Sarajevo.
How's the food in Bosnia? It's great I'd say, both for your body and your soul.
What's the special ingredient? The people, in both cases.
Below you'll find some pictures from my new place (crappy pics, but just to give you an idea).
I hope I'll be able to cook a couple of recipes I have in mind, in the while time have a great time and see you soon!