Ciao a tutti,
today I'm going to share with you a really nice recipe which is something I learned from my mom, and I cook quite often. As some friends asked for some "light" recipes, here we go:
3 persons
- Ricotta 500 grams
- Fresh Spinach 700 grams
- Grated Parmigiano Reggiano 100 grams
- 1 egg
- 1+2 glasses of water
- 1 cup of flour
- 1 Onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- Chopped tomatoes 300 grams
- Smoked dry beef or bresaola (bosnian suho meso) 40 grams
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Sugar
- Fresh Basil
Start cleaning the fresh spinach, put them in a pan with 1 glass of water and make them boil until you can easily spear a fork through them (around 8/10 mins). Then squeeze them with your hands and chop them. Put some water in a big pan and make it boil with the lead on.
Put the ricotta, the egg, the Parmigiano Reggiano and the spinach all together in a bow and mix with a wood spoon. Then add the flour, until everything start being more solid.
Now, with two spoon make some small balls with the mixture. Put them straight in the boiling water and wait until they emerge from the bottom. Drain them out with a strainer.
The sauce
The best thing is of course to prepare it before making the Malfatti.
Put some olive oil in a pan, the chopped onion, the garlic and the smoked dry beef and fry.
Add the chopped tomatoes and two glasses of water. Let the sauce to thicken, and add some salt and a vegetable cube.
When the Malfatti are ready, pour the sauce on top and decor with some fresh basil.

I'm totally doing this!